My very early inspirations from those 3-4 Tumblrs I had back in the day. The combination of these four individuals shaped me so much, my re-blog history is the proof. Mixed media to accommodate the pro-words and those pro-images.
One of the very first people I followed on Tumblr whose post was always on point with lots of comic and anime references. It's the ordinary life happenings with the occasional sprinkles of heartaches but her I-will-tell-it-like-it-is style naturally captivated my attention. Besides Kyoko's sense of humor, her down to earth personality, her words all so raw and personal yet still comprehensive to any reader definitely inspired the writer in me; she read the thoughts from my head and took the words out of my mouth.
i.e.: Let's Be Honest
Calling philosophers and dreamers, this blog had the answers to all the questions concerning life-etiquette. From her recent posts all the way to the most ancient, Marenna's writings mirror her free-spirited and debonair-self. Each post is but a portion of her unapologetic journey through life which made me keep up with her blog. Strongly recommended for lovers of deeper meanings and wanderlust anecdotes.
i.e.: A Test, or Sign?
Mynamesdiana, dirty diana:
Diana started out on Tumblr (like most of us) and it seems to me got famous for her natural and bold features. Not your average content-heavy blog however, great visuals for those into urban street fashion and photography (yes, you should know by know I support my fellow big-haired ladies from everywhere and anywhere). Recommended for music aficionados as well!
stellablu, By Stella Blu:
Besides her exotic looks and luscious curls that I envy so much, Stella's personal artwork and travel pictures are definitely worth a look. Check out her little sister as well, @kookiecakes_ .
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