Saturday, August 31, 2013

Happy Camper.

Guess who crossed off a life bucket list and went camping exactly a week ago ?! I'm not sure why many people reject even the thought of camping and yet they beg to be away from the city, the noise, the buildings, the heat. Camping is like the vacation you've always wanted, then again, maybe it's the green thumb in me. This was an overnight event but surely felt like a weekend. We got to the campsite after sunset with barbecue awaiting us, and yes, that made me a happy camper already (get it?). Amongst the activities, the night included pong, s'mores, candles, birthday cakes and ginger ale with a game of "2 truths and 1 lie." Sleeping bags aren't as comfy as they look, by the way. Stick with air mattresses if you wish for some luxury among the woods.

The morning was freezing, mind you, I had leggings under sweatpants, long sleeves under a (raggedy-excuse-of-a) sweater... and thick wool socks ! Knowing me I expected to come back with additional mosquito bites but, surprisingly, there were none; however, it was interesting waking up to daddy long legs. We went by the pond for a friendly volleyball game before a quick dip and, finally, canoed ! The sight was incredible being in the midst of the dark blue waters, rippling under us and surrounded by these rolling green forests all under a cloudless sky.

Daddy's home !

Woke up thinking the tent was open (there was a net)


  1. Hey! I don't know what's my username around here but hopefully you recognize me. What a great blog Lilas and you're such a happy camper. Thanks for inviting me to your blog.

    1. Thanks! You could just write your name at the bottom becauae I have an idea of who this might be however I can't say for sure lol, thanks for stopping by and good luck with eveything! Stay in touch

    2. I'm sorry but I don't think I'm telling you my name lol I'm curious on who you think I am though so do you mind telling me? Because if you guess right then I'll tell you who I am lol you too good luck with everything!

  2. love this! camping is so much. looking at those smores photos makes me wish i had one now :)


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